3 Features To Look For In A Pet-Friendly Car

Many considerations must be made when purchasing a new car. You need to think about the basics, like safety and performance, but you also need to factor in unique aspects of your own life. If you like to travel with your pet, then you will need to consider his or her needs in addition to your own when you are investing in a new car for sale.

Pet-friendly features can make your vehicle comfortable for you and your furry friend, which will reduce distractions and help you enjoy safer drives in the future.

1. Easy-Clean Upholstery

As much as you love your pet, he or she can be messy at times. A day spent enjoying the outdoors can result in a messy vehicle interior after you return home. It's important that you invest in a vehicle with durable upholstery.

You will want to avoid vehicles with a leather interior, since a pet's claws can scratch delicate leather. Opt for a cloth interior featuring a microfiber or nylon-type fabric. These fabrics can easily be wiped clean, making them great for traveling with pets.

2. Roomy Backseat Accommodations

Most people don't sit in the backseat when they are purchasing a vehicle. If you don't test out the backseat accommodations before you invest in a car, you could find that the vehicle doesn't meet your pet's needs.

A larger animal will need to be kept in a crate that will have to sit on a flat surface. Some vehicles have backseats that fold completely flat, while others have a backseat that folds to an incline. Focus your search on the flat, fold-down vehicles.

You should also check for secure anchor points inside the vehicle where you can strap your pet's crate in place. A comfortable and secure crate will help both you and your pet feel confident while traveling down the open road.

3. Multi-Zone Climate Control

Animals are not capable of withstanding the same temperature variances as a human being. This makes the climate control system in your vehicle a vital component in your pet's safety.

Look for a vehicle that is equipped with a multi-zone climate control system. You can control the temperature in the front and the back of the vehicle independently with a multi-zone system. This allows you to set the temperature your pet needs and the temperature that you find most comfortable at all times.

Any two-legged passengers that travel with you will also appreciate the control a multi-zone climate system gives them.
